Friday, July 3, 2009

Dialogic Democracy and Organization, Web Lecture, pg. 4

As the web lecture Democracy and Dialogue states dialogic democracy is well-suited to organizations because dialogue requires collaboration-participants must work together to create meaningful communication. Communicators depend on each other to clearly articulate their thoughts and actively listen to what others have to say. In addition, dialogue means that organization members learn together, encouraging a cooperative approach to problem solving and decision making (Hammond, Anderson, & Cissna, 2003) (p. 4).

This type of dialogue democracy took place every time I went through an implementation of a new system at a customer site. A committee is formed with the customer usually made up of members that represent the stakeholders for the implementation and use of the new system. As a member of this committee, I would listen intently to the customer’s needs, desires and current processes and functionality of the current system(s) our product is replacing. Since each member is representing a different functioning group within the company, the committee or organization would learn each other’s needs, desires and how their organization utilizes the current system especially process wise. Each member must actively participate to come up with a baseline and solution for implementing the new system and phasing out the old that satisfies all parties involved.

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